Exchange channels, sense of community and niches in the market for science education journals in Europe.

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Luisa Viglietta


What is the importance of journals with respect to the social and intellectual unification of the science and technology education community throughout the world? To answer this question, a study is made of twenty-six refereed science education journals published in Europe, targeting a single country or a vast region of the world. The results of the research show that each journal occupies a special place in the "market", helping to give a sense of unity within a particular geographical area and/or a sector of the educational community: researchers, educators or teachers. On the contrary, journals seem to have done too little to overcome the barriers instituted by differences in languages, research methods, and scholarly tradition. A few journals consider some examples of good practice in dealing with these problems and suggest some solutions.

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How to Cite
Viglietta, L. (1998). Exchange channels, sense of community and niches in the market for science education journals in Europe. Journal of Biology Education, 1(1), 9-18.
Fundamentos e Investigaciones

How to Cite

Viglietta, L. (1998). Exchange channels, sense of community and niches in the market for science education journals in Europe. Journal of Biology Education, 1(1), 9-18.

