An interdisciplinary approach in a disciplinary curriculum design for biological careers.

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Luis Alberto Marino
Ricardo Carreri
Gloria Alzugaray


Starting from the diagnosis elaborated by the permanent commission of pursuit and curricular evaluation (Humanities and Sciences Faculty - National University of the Littoral) during the period 2000 - 2002, related to the disciplinary academic organization, the pedagogic practices and the evaluation of the learning process in the careers of Professorship in Biology and Licentiate in Biodiversity, difficulties that block the students to reach a significant learning are detected. To overcome this situation we intend to establish curricular spaces, with integrative signatures allowing the students, through different didactic strategies, to access to the knowledge according to an interdisciplinary point of veiw that considers the complexity of the studied reality.

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How to Cite
Marino, L. A. ., Carreri, R. ., & Alzugaray, G. (2005). An interdisciplinary approach in a disciplinary curriculum design for biological careers. Journal of Biology Education, 8(2), 28-36.
Propuestas, innovaciones y desarrollos

How to Cite

Marino, L. A. ., Carreri, R. ., & Alzugaray, G. (2005). An interdisciplinary approach in a disciplinary curriculum design for biological careers. Journal of Biology Education, 8(2), 28-36.

