Searching for the Same Language to Better Teach Biology and Chemistry

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Mercè Izquierdo Aymerich


We present the key concepts exposed in the central Conference "Cesar Milstein" of the XIV Conference and IX International Congress on Biology Teaching " “Interdisciplinarity in Biology Teaching. Current curricular proposals and trends”. We reflect on the importance of the language of Chemistry and Biology in compulsory secondary school, so that it shows students what the world is like and how to intervene in it. The history of both disciplines is recovered, in order to, then, analyze the study programs from the didactic point of view. The work/paper ends with the example of metabolism and energy as school content that can be taught from Chemistry and Biology, in an essential dialogue between both disciplines to generate the appropriate language for school science.

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How to Cite
Izquierdo Aymerich, M. . (2022). Searching for the Same Language to Better Teach Biology and Chemistry. Journal of Biology Education, 25(1), 79-91.
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How to Cite

Izquierdo Aymerich, M. . (2022). Searching for the Same Language to Better Teach Biology and Chemistry. Journal of Biology Education, 25(1), 79-91.


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