Implementation of Integral Sex Education in the Basic Cycle of the Eldorado Agrotechnical School - Misiones

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Carmen Lucía Borrero Arizaga


The purpose of this thesis was to investigate, through an exploratory-descriptive study, how the National Law of Integral Sexual Education No. 26,150 (ISE) is implemented in the basic cycle of the Eldorado Agrotechnical School, belonging to the National University of Misiones. It was studied in which curricular spaces the subject is approached, and from what perspective it is developed, in order to then compare the objectives, set forth by the ISE Law with the educational practices carried out by the teachers in the institution. The research becomes more complex when including the inquiry about participation and the difficulties that teachers present when implementing ISE in their curricular spaces. To achieve the objectives, various combined methodological, qualitative and quantitative strategies were used to obtain data, such as analysis of didactic plans, teacher surveys and interviews with authorities, using methodological triangulation in order to contrast and validate the results. Their analysis shows the institutionalization and curricularization of ISE in this cycle of the school studied, with the implementation of various educational activities in which good ISE pedagogical practices are denoted. It is considered that the results obtained are highly positive in relation to the implementation of the ISE and allows, in turn, to guide some proposals for improvement.

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How to Cite
Borrero Arizaga, C. L. (2022). Implementation of Integral Sex Education in the Basic Cycle of the Eldorado Agrotechnical School - Misiones. Journal of Biology Education, 25(1), 73-78.

How to Cite

Borrero Arizaga, C. L. (2022). Implementation of Integral Sex Education in the Basic Cycle of the Eldorado Agrotechnical School - Misiones. Journal of Biology Education, 25(1), 73-78.


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