Techniques for the study of anatomical adaptations in plants: a proposal for the laboratory

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Nora Perícola
Miriam Hadid
Iris Liscovsky
María Teresa Cosa
Nilda Dottori
Gloria Bruno


This work propos simple techniques to be used in the laboratory and useful to integrate conceptual, procedimental and attitudinal contents of Biology. The study of anatomy adaptations in stem and leaf and its relationship with environmental conditions are studied allow the application of techniques and satins which are used in histology. Therefore, pupils at laboratory school could develop abilities and dexterities to look for variables to analysis, interpret results and argument conclusions.

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How to Cite
Perícola, N., Hadid, M. ., Liscovsky, I., Cosa, M. T. ., Dottori, N., & Bruno, G. (2006). Techniques for the study of anatomical adaptations in plants: a proposal for the laboratory. Journal of Biology Education, 9(1), 28-35.
Propuestas, innovaciones y desarrollos

How to Cite

Perícola, N., Hadid, M. ., Liscovsky, I., Cosa, M. T. ., Dottori, N., & Bruno, G. (2006). Techniques for the study of anatomical adaptations in plants: a proposal for the laboratory. Journal of Biology Education, 9(1), 28-35.

