Approaches to Arthropod Content in Textbooks of Secondary Education in Brazil

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Laise Barbosa Aquino
Lenice Heloísa de Arruda Silva
Manoel Araécio Uchoa


This paper contributes with an investigative view to the issue of Didactic Textbooks indicated in the Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD) of 2015, for the teaching of biology in secondary education in Brazil. The focus is primarily on the contents about Arthropods in the textbooks. The research was carried out by documentary analysis, being guided by what it is proposed in the Referencial Curricular da Educação Básica da Rede Estadual de Ensino of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Six biology textbooks addressed to the official secondary education and edited by different authors, were analyzed. The analyzes showed that these books, in general, present limits in the approach of the content on Arthropods, especially those referring to the concepts of morphology and physiology of this phylum, as well as the relations between the content of Arthropods and the daily life of the students. This work seeks to contribute with a more critical reflection on the didactic textbook of biology of official secondary education in Brazil.

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How to Cite
Approaches to Arthropod Content in Textbooks of Secondary Education in Brazil. (2019). Journal of Biology Education, 22(1), 20-33.
Investigaciones y desarrollos

How to Cite

Approaches to Arthropod Content in Textbooks of Secondary Education in Brazil. (2019). Journal of Biology Education, 22(1), 20-33.