Science/Biology Teacher Training and Praxeological Organization

Main Article Content

Vera Machado


This paper aims to provide reflections about the organization and production of the didacticmedium in Biological Sciences, as an epistemological base for teacher training. The theoreticalcontributions of this study are based on presuppositions of Anthropological Theory of the Didactics,Didactic Transposition and Didactics of Sciences. Emphasis is placed on the production andorganization of the didactic medium, crucial aspects in the teacher training process, starting froman ecological point of view. It proposes a didactic intervention by developing praxeology witha view to find one or more ways to solve problematic issues regularly and successfully, whichemerge in the core of the society of which schools and students are part. In the specific case ofScience/Biology teaching, it will help students create explanatory models for understanding Lifeand its relation with the world.

Article Details

How to Cite
Machado, V. (2014). Science/Biology Teacher Training and Praxeological Organization. Journal of Biology Education, 17(2), (pp. 9-15).
Author Biography

Vera Machado

Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul – Campo Grande/MS -

How to Cite

Machado, V. (2014). Science/Biology Teacher Training and Praxeological Organization. Journal of Biology Education, 17(2), (pp. 9-15).