Reflections about a didactic proposal on Maternal-Infant Nutrition and Nourishment within a non-formal educational context

Main Article Content

Valeria Ximena Rodriguez
Patricia Mariela Morawicki


This article outlines the main ideas of an educational project created and developed in a non-formal educational learning field, from a participatory qualitative and quantitative diagnosis of the situational context in this population case study and its educational character issues. The topics to develop were Maternal-Infant Nutrition and Nourishment, aimed to women and mothers who attend to a Primary Health-Care Center. The general aim was to promote healthy eating practices and consider these persons’ iss ues, relating them to their habits, customs and beliefs on Nourishment.

Article Details

How to Cite
Rodriguez, V. X., & Morawicki, P. M. (2014). Reflections about a didactic proposal on Maternal-Infant Nutrition and Nourishment within a non-formal educational context. Journal of Biology Education, 17(1), (pp. 135-144).
Experiencias Educativas
Author Biography

Valeria Ximena Rodriguez, Universidad Nacional de Misiones

Maestrando de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.Profesora de Biología egresada de la Universidad Nacional de Misiones.Publicación de trabajos cientificos en varias jornadas, entre ellas las Jornadas de Enseñanza de la Biologia, Villla Giardino.Docente de nivel secundario actualmente.

How to Cite

Rodriguez, V. X., & Morawicki, P. M. (2014). Reflections about a didactic proposal on Maternal-Infant Nutrition and Nourishment within a non-formal educational context. Journal of Biology Education, 17(1), (pp. 135-144).