The controversy Science-Religon and other curiosities in “The Simpsons”

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José Antonio Figueroa
María Eugenia Fortunato


A sequence of activities in which a cartoon is used as a motivating and problematic resource is presented in this work. The main objective of this proposal is to deconstruct the image of science that high school students have and to raise the controversy science-religion, in order to favor a new construction. The understanding of this concept will facilitate the posterior treatment of the different controversies that took place in the history of the thought about life origin and diversity. The implementation of this didactic sequence has been appropriate in the explicitness and questioning of students’ ideas and has favored different critical analysis, starting from certain curiosities that appear in the chapter.

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How to Cite
Figueroa, J. A., & Fortunato, M. E. (2009). The controversy Science-Religon and other curiosities in “The Simpsons”. Journal of Biology Education, 12(2), (pp. 53-57).
Experiencias Educativas
Author Biographies

José Antonio Figueroa

I.S.F.D. y T. Nro 140. Tigre Buenos Aires, Argentina.

María Eugenia Fortunato

I.S.F.D. y T. Nro 140. Tigre Buenos Aires, Argentina.

How to Cite

Figueroa, J. A., & Fortunato, M. E. (2009). The controversy Science-Religon and other curiosities in “The Simpsons”. Journal of Biology Education, 12(2), (pp. 53-57).