Sexuality and sociability as the basis of democratic love in Wilhelm Reich: From patriarchy to matriarchy?
Feminism, Democracy, Love, SexualityAbstract
In this article we will review the work of Wilhelm Reich, a little-known author who, combining the thoughts of Freud and Marx, built a frankly critical and feminist look of modern Western capitalism, inherently patriarchal. After reviewing his intellectual biography, we will divide the work into two parts: in the first, we will trace the diagnosis of the current social reality that the author constructs, and in the second, we will reconstruct his proposed solution to the social problems indicated. Starting from the hypothesis that repression leads to authoritarianism and violence, and liberation leads to coexistence and love, we will systematize the main concepts of the Reichian perspective, which, in our understanding, are: what we will call vitalism, sexuality, love, sexual economy, revolution, and the democracy of work.
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