Photographs of an intersex body: between the punctum and the trochus


  • Macarena Murugarren


Eroticity, Intersex, Photography, Representation


In this article I will present a reflection on the methodological issues that arise in my graduate thesis, in which I analyze the representation of an intersex body and its relation to the category of eroticity in the photographic series inter*ME by lx artistx inter* Del LaGrace Volcano. The present reflection explores the question of how to constitute a methodology that allows me to link my activism and my theoretical-methodological framework when working with my corpus. For this reason I will present Barthes' punctum and Didi-Huberman's troche categories and explain the reasons why I consider the interweaving of the two to constitute a situated methodology that can express the way my intersex body looks at images of another intersex body from an eroticizing gaze.


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Author Biography

Macarena Murugarren

Profesora, Escuela de Letras, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades (FFyH), Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC). Activista en Potencia Intersex. Instagram: @PotenciaIntersex.



How to Cite

Murugarren, M. (2021). Photographs of an intersex body: between the punctum and the trochus. Polémicas Feministas, 4, 1–12. Retrieved from