Comparación de abordajes antero lateral y p´osterior en artroplastia total primaria de cadera


  • Carlos Macedo
  • Carlos Galia
  • Ricardo Rosito
  • Márcio Valin
  • André Kruel
  • Luis Müler
  • Francisco Cejas Rodríguez



total hip arthroplasty, posterior Approach, anterolateral Approach


Comparison betv'een the antero-lateral and posterior approaches in pnimary total hip arthroplasty. In this retrospective study. 184 patients were enrolled, 95 submitted to the anterolateral (Watson .j ones) and 89 tu t he posterior approach (Moore) from June 1993 tu June 1997. The outcomes assessed were perioperative data (operative time, hospital stay, time from surgery unt il hospital discharge, surgical bleeding and the need for blood tmansfusion), as well as late complications (deep venous thronibosis DV P.
pulnionary .emboltsm, periopheral nere injuiy, prothesis instability and others). Botlt groups did not diflr tu temis of preoperatie
paranieters. Those subniitted to the posterior approach liad shorter operative times (p < 0,001), as well as redLtced bleeding (p 0,05)
and need for blood transfusion (p < 0,001) durin surgery. The outcomes, such as late complications, liad simular reduced frequcncy
in both groups. The posterior approach has been successfuly aplied in our service and proves to be an excellent alternative surgical
access to dic total hip artliroplastv.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Macedo

Profesor Adjunto del Departamento de Cirugía de Li Facultad de Medicilla de U ERG 5 y Servicio de 0¡-( y
Traumatología de HCPA.

Carlos Galia

Módico contratado del Servicio de Ortopedia iratiniatología del l-ICI'A

Ricardo Rosito

Médico Residente de4to año del Scrvicio (le Ortopedia yTraumatología del HCPA y micmbrucfectiyodel Stttfl.

Márcio Valin

Médico Ortopedista y Trauinatologista, niiernbroefeclivo del SBO1.

André Kruel

Médico Residente de laño del Serv. De ortopediuTraumatologís del He PA.

Luis Müler

Acadámico de la Facultad de Medicina de U FR(iS.

Francisco Cejas Rodríguez

Módico Residente de 3año del Servicio de Ortopedia y Traumatologiadel HCPA.


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How to Cite

Macedo C, Galia C, Rosito R, Valin M, Kruel A, Müler L, Cejas Rodríguez F. Comparación de abordajes antero lateral y p´osterior en artroplastia total primaria de cadera . Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 15 [cited 2024 Jun. 17];56(1):91-6. Available from:



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