Mild external ear malformations and renal tract abnormalities: a meta-analysis


  • Eduardo Cuestas MD Departinent of Pediatrlcs. Clinical Epicleniiolo' and Biostatistics,Acadeinic Unit Uospital Privado, National Universitv of Córdoba. Argentina.
  • Cecilia Bur MD Departinent of Pediatrlcs. Clinical Epicleniiolo' and Biostatistics,Acadeinic Unit Uospital Privado, National Universitv of Córdoba. Argentina.
  • Victoria Bongiovanni MD Departinent of Pediatrlcs. Clinical Epicleniiolo' and Biostatistics,Acadeinic Unit Uospital Privado, National Universitv of Córdoba. Argentina.


infants., ear malformations, renal tract abnorrnalities, UI trasonograpliy


Background: The association between isolaled mild external car malformations anci urinary tract anomalies has not been sufficiently researched, aoci prevalence of renal ahnormalities rcportcd ¡o diffcrent stuclies is controversial, which is the subject of considerable debate, currently causing confusiori over which specific ear anomalies do aoci do not require imaging. Therefore. WC examincd this controversial issue by conducting a meta-analysis to asses the association of renal tract abuormalities in infants With isolated niiid external ear malformations.

Methodology: A meta-analysis of ah publishcd case-controllcd studies, published in al] languages. 65 articies were found. but oniy 4 were relevant. Main outcorne measurc was prevalence of urinary tract ahnormalities cletected by ultrasonography. Four studies involving 32983 cvaluable infants were identified. The cornbincci results indicated that the risk, ¡o a fixed effeets model. of renal tract anonialies in infants with isolated miid external ear malformations was O.R 1.56 (95%CI 1.25-1.94).

Conclusions: This meta-analysis confirms a significant association between renal tract abnornialitles anci isolated mild external ear malformations.


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How to Cite

Cuestas MD E, Bur MD C, Bongiovanni MD V. Mild external ear malformations and renal tract abnormalities: a meta-analysis. Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 18 [cited 2024 Jul. 19];63(1):46-52. Available from:



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