Associated Factors with Burnout Syndrome In Physicians and nurses from Peru, 2014
burnout, health personnel, occupational stressAbstract
Aim: To identify factors associated to burnout syndrome (BS) in health workers from Peru in 2014.
Methods: A cross-sectional study by secondary analysis of the Peruvian National Survey of Users of Health in 2014 was conducted. BS was measured using the Maslach Burnout Inventory - Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS). A descriptive analysis was performed, also bivariate and multivariate analysis were performed calculating p values and crude and adjusted OR by logistic regression.
Results: Prevalence of BS in health professionals was 2.8% and associated variables were: gender, time in the health, working hours and total monthly income.
Conclusions: We found that factors associated with SB on health workers of Peru in 2014 were gender, time in the health sector, working hours and the total monthly income.
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