Proposal of a hospital information system for a teaching hospital
DOI: clave:
Our University Hospital is a very good example of the great complcxity of (he flow of information through it which becomes a road block For its sniooth operation.
Starting osi its random architecturc, fo1]oving by the rnultiple dependencv nl its persunriel ( Rectorate. Medical Schoo]. non pai(I personnel etc. . the different sources of income (Rectorat( Hospitals'Union. Students funds, Ins irance cornpanics etc.) and finishing with the handling of information in dif1 erent wavs by diverse hospital services un patient information and cure, test resiilts etc., arid the not sinail fact of a a umernus staff: doctor resi dents, conand students who check o (real, 1tients.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
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