The divergence of the “middle ground” in the characters of Silviano Santiago’s Stella Manhattan

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Rossana Nofal


The article introduces a crossing between the cultural-thesis scopes of “middle ground” [entre-lugar] in Latin American discourse, initially designed by Silviano Santiago in 1971, and his novel Stella Manhattan, written in 1985.

The development of middle ground as a category stems from a desire to account for the modulations of interbreeding and the anthropophagic tensions between Latin America and European metropolises. On the other hand, a reading of this area of tension and conflict between both continents modifies the statute of literary traditions bringing into focus the relationship between a work of art and externality beyond local contexts. Regarding methodology, an immanent criticism of texts is proposed, and an against-the-grain reading based on Walter Benjamin’s premise that in the interpretation of details it is possible to interpret the whole.

The 1964 coup implied the development of a modernizing project that would consolidate Brazil’s entry into monopolistic capitalism. The ensuing and progressive economic growth, which excluded a large portion of Brazil’s population, has come to be known as “the Brazilian miracle”, and coincides with the anos de chumbo, the most repressive period of the dictatorship. Violence, extreme fear and enforced disappearance radicalizes the need for new narrative finds in the Brazilian literary system in order to retell the horror and understand the construction of memories beyond militants’ heroic representations. Traumatic experiences are inscribed in Santiago’s novel from a place of geographical displacement and the mobile identities of the bodies. The middle ground, an essay tool initially, provides a new framework to generate allegories in the narrative configurations about political violence, not from the heroic stance of militant epics, but from the subjectivity of bodies in transit. Sexuality and writing occur in a unique place of escaping identities.


Keywords: middle ground; divergence; memories.


Article Details

How to Cite
The divergence of the “middle ground” in the characters of Silviano Santiago’s Stella Manhattan. (2021). Heterotopías, 4(7), 1-11.
Author Biography

Rossana Nofal, CONICET -Universidad Nacional de Tucumán

Rossana Nofal holds a PhD in Literature and is an independent researcher at CONICET, working at the Instituto de Investigaciones sobre el lenguaje y la cultura (INVELEC). She is a professor of Latin American Literature in the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature at the National University of Tucumán. She is a category 1 research professor in the national incentive system. Director of research projects on memory and dictatorship based at the Interdisciplinary Institute of Latin American Studies and funded by the Secretariat of Science and Technological Innovation of the UNT. She is a member of the Editorial Board of IIELA's Revista Telar and has coordinated special volumes on testimonies and militancy. She is vice-director of the PhD in Letters programme at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. Since 2014 she has been the director of the publishing house of the Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, EDUNT.

How to Cite

The divergence of the “middle ground” in the characters of Silviano Santiago’s Stella Manhattan. (2021). Heterotopías, 4(7), 1-11.


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