Mode(s) of Existence of Dance



research in arts, dance philosophy, laboratory, virtual existence


When epistemological perspectives become insufficient to contain objects that escape that privileged point of view, it is necessary to review the reasons for these insufficiencies, and propose other plans, other cuts that can offer a fuller reality on the modes of existence that are weak for those epistemologies. In the development of this writing we will try to remove the obstacles that the modes of existence of dance encounter, making alliances with philosophers like Étienne Souriau (2017, 2021), who offers us the concept of virtual existence in a mobile ontology, which can “see” and make others see, these forms of weak existences of dance, but yet full of potency.


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Author Biography

  • Adrián Maximiliano Ferreyra, Universidad Provincial de Córdoba

    Licenciado en teatro por la UNC. Doctorando en Artes. Coreógrafo, bailarín e investigador en danza contemporánea. Docente de Problemáticas Epistemológicas de la Investigación Artística en la Licenciatura en Composición Coreográfica de la FAD-UPC. Director del laboratorio de investigación El Espesor del Aire dentro del programa de Estudios Experimentales del CIPAD, FAD-UPC. Coordinador del laboratorio de danza Hacer Ver el Amor. Coordinador de La Biblioteca Intangible.


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