The construction of motherhood in contemporary series: the case of The Handmaid's Tale (HULU, 2017)



motherhood, series, feminism, The Handmaid's Tale


In this paper, we study contemporary series with a feminist perspective. We will analyze the construction of the image of women based on the development of motherhood in The Handmaid's Tale (HULU, 2017). The concept of motherhood is a fundamental axis of the construction of women in the audiovisual. Feminisms understand it as a mandate by which the hegemonic heterosexual sex-gender system arbitrarily distinguishes the sexual roles and practices that are socially attributed to the male and female genders as natural attributes (Preciado, 2011). We propose that this series, in English, with acclaimed actresses and actors in the American film industry and distributed by powerful platforms (HULU, Paramount, Flow), constructs images of women who stage stereotypical gender roles that the feminist agenda points out as commonplaces to be reviewed and criticized. These characters embody different ways of understanding and practicing motherhood that coexist (not without contradictions) in our time and that involve debates both outside and inside feminisms, so that the series can become a space for channeling and vehiculating these debates.


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Author Biographies

  • Constanza M. Aguirre, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

    Es Licenciada en Letras Modernas por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba y becaria doctoral de CONICET (Instituto de Humanidades-UNC), realizando el Doctorado en Letras (FFyH-UNC). Es profesora adscripta en Teoría Audiovisual (Departamento de Cine y TV, Facultad de Artes UNC). Miembro de la red f<A+i>r (Red de Investigación Feminista en Inteligencia Artificial Nodo de América Latina y el Caribe).

  • Antonella Golfieri, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

    Es Licenciada en Cine y Tv por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba y estudiante del Doctorado en Artes de la Facultad de Artes (UNC). Es profesora adscripta de las cátedras Teoría Audiovisual y Sociología de la Cultura (Departamento de Cine y TV, FA, UNC).


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How to Cite

The construction of motherhood in contemporary series: the case of The Handmaid’s Tale (HULU, 2017). (2024). Avances, 33, 19-36.

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