Inés Gómez Carrillo, argentinian pianist. Creator and diffuser of XX century Latin american music



Inés Gómez Carrillo, Argentinian pianist, Latinamerican woman composer


This research is referred to life, artist career and compositions of Inés Gómez Carrillo (Santiago del Estero, 1918-Ciudad Autónoma
de Buenos Aires, 2014) boarding this problem: the performer and composer trajectory, with original and important contributions to
the piano, had not, however, correlative and proportional register, diffusion and recognition neither in Argentina instrument teaching nor in its performer repertories. Conclusions of this study show how her family life was a decisive issue in her artistic career. Very encouraged from childhood for an exceptionally musical and cultural environment, she composed in her first period and
reach an international pianist career. She had eminent piano and composition teachers in our country and in the United States,
she won prizes in many opportunities becoming as one of the most required pianists by well known conductors, playing in America, Europe, and later Asia most important halls. Each of her presentations then deserved the best comments by specialized review. Since 1952 her new family life determined her career will start to decay. Her definitive return to Argentina in 1969 implied the beginning of her work as a teacher and just occasionally as a concert player.

For all the exposed, we will try to demonstrate that the author and performer was improperly omitted in numerous studies referring
to musical life from the 40s and 50s (even in the female presence in the national cultural press) being that Inés Gómez Carrillo was one of the most important pianists of her generation.


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Author Biography

  • Mariana Quainelle, Escuela Superior de Enseñanza Artística en Música Juan Pedro Esnaola

    Pianista, madre de Lourdes, Docente e Investigadora. Figura en el primer Diccionario de Pianistas Argentinos. Es graduada de la UNC como Profesora y Licenciada en Perfeccionamiento instrumental, piano (1996). Master (2003) y D.E.S.S (2004) de la Universidad de Montréal, Canadá (2003-2004) y Magíster en Interpretación de Música Latinoamericana del Siglo XX de la UnCuyo, Mendoza (2021). Es Profesora y Jefa Coordinadora de la ESEAM/ J.P. Esnaola. Actualmente reside en Buenos Aires.


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Benítes, F. L. (1945, 13 de julio). Entrevista a Inés Gómez Carrillo. El Hogar, XLI(1865), pp. 56-61.

Comisión Nacional de Cultura (1940, 11 de octubre) Beca Comisión Nacional de Cultura. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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La pianista Gómez Carrillo define a su patria en Cunita Blanca, Te’i de dejar y Coplas para la Imilla (1941). La prensa. Nueva York.


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How to Cite

Inés Gómez Carrillo, argentinian pianist. Creator and diffuser of XX century Latin american music. (2023). Avances, 32, 271-289.