Co-existence as an alternative to the nostalgia of co-presence.

Prelude... in the context of Preventive and Obligatory Social Isolation


  • Talma Salem de Oliveira Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Micaela Moreno Magliano Universidad Provincial de Córdoba / Universidad Nacional de San Martín / Universidad Nacional de La Plata / Universidad de Buenos Aires


Contemporary dance, Body-installation, Intercorporeality, Co-existence, Preventive and Obligatory Social Isolation


The following writing is part of the contemporary artistic and aesthetic practices field. It is a descriptive stage of the research-creation project Preludio... It aims to describe reflections which produce knowledge about the practice itself, and to systematize the research advances of this project. Its purpose is to give a discursive framework to the theoretical and practical reflection of the research-creation work in dance, developed from the proposal of Body-Installation in the work of the Brazilian choreographer Vera Sala. For its development a corpus of notes of direction and creation, reconstruction of experiences and work strategies are observed. Thus, an analysis of the practices developed within the framework of Preventive and Obligatory Social Isolation (2020) is proposed, which is taken as a turning point, due to the suspension of the working space and physical co-presence. 


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How to Cite

Co-existence as an alternative to the nostalgia of co-presence.: Prelude... in the context of Preventive and Obligatory Social Isolation. (2021). Avances, 30.