Big game hunting on the island. Regional analysis of the zooarchaeological record of Lama guanicoe in the northern slope of the Fuegian Andes




Zooarchaeology, Regional analysis, Meta-analysis, Geographic information systems


The aim of this work is to evaluate the use of the guanaco resource by the human populations that inhabited the different environments of northern Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, particularly to establish a diachronic comparison. For this, published zooarchaeological information is compiled from 61 contexts of 42 archaeological sites, analyzed by different research teams. The study of the composition of zooarchaeological assemblages in spatial and temporal terms is presented, combining the use of a GIS environment (Geographical Information System) and the standard tools of zooarchaeological analysis. The results indicate 1) clear geographic pattern in the ubiquity of the Lama guanicoe as the target species, 2) with an increase in the proportion of this taxon in the sites farthest from the coasts, 3) temporal variations with an increase in the consumption of this species over time.


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Author Biography

  • Fernando Santiago, CONICET

    Austral Center for Scientific Research. CONICET. Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego.


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How to Cite

Santiago, F. (2024). Big game hunting on the island. Regional analysis of the zooarchaeological record of Lama guanicoe in the northern slope of the Fuegian Andes. Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 17(2), 29-46.

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