español Teaching sequence of Spanish as a foreign language

three classes to introduce you to Argentine culture


  • Florencia Macarena Moyano Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • español Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


ELE , Communicative approach , Interculturality


In this didactic sequence we propose the planning of three classes of Spanish as a foreign language. The classes are designed for a group of American children who are residing in Argentina. To do this, we mainly use the communicative approach in complement of the total physical response method; since our objective is the insertion of children into our society in a way that is enjoyable and fun for them. Thus, the activities are centered around the theme “Argentine culture” contemplating music, sports, and legends of our country. So, in the first class we worked on music and dance, the second class on a legend and the third on sports. The second class includes teaching material specially designed to be attractive to our students.




How to Cite

español Teaching sequence of Spanish as a foreign language: three classes to introduce you to Argentine culture. (2023). Alma Máter. Student Journal of Research in Linguistics, 4(5).