The Historical-Philosophical Approach and the Didactics of Science - Sixty Years after the Publication of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

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Santiago Ginnobili


In this paper I will reflect on the relationships between philosophy and the didactics of science, focusing in particular on Thomas Kuhn’s ideas. These are quite complex, since didactic and public communication of science concerns are at the heart of the objectives of philosophy of science at the beginning of the twentieth century as well as of the context of writing of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. On the other hand, Kuhn's approach was influential on the didactics of science. The discussion of such relationships will allow me to point out the tension, about which Kuhn has extensively discussed, between specialization and miscommunication between different scientific communities. For Kuhn, dogmatism is an essential part of scientific progress. I will try to show that this idea is part of Kuhnian ideology rather than a corollary of his approach. Finally, I will try to show different ways in which Kuhnian ideas can be (and have been) relevant to the didactics of science.


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Ginnobili, S. (2022). The Historical-Philosophical Approach and the Didactics of Science - Sixty Years after the Publication of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Journal of Biology Education, 25(2), 3–21.


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