Entomology Month: Bringing Scientific Research Closer to Elementary Schools in Patagonia

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Deborah Fischbein


As science researchers we believe that teaching Natural Sciences at elementary school level is both a challenge for teachers and an excellent opportunity to establish the foundations of scientific thinking. “The Entomology Month” was a project, carried out by researchers andscholars from CONICET and INTA Bariloche, whose main objective was to improve the existing knowledge about insect biology. Activities were addressed to teachers and elementary school students from Bariloche and rural areas in NW Patagonia. The positive aspects of insects were especially highlighted, by enhancing their biological and applied importance, as well as   their diversity and abundance. Twelve out of the 55 invited schools (both private and public)and 600 students were counted among the participants. The “Entomology Month” served both to address local scientist difficulties and to bringcloser the figure of the scientist to teachers and students.


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How to Cite
Fischbein, D. (2015). Entomology Month: Bringing Scientific Research Closer to Elementary Schools in Patagonia. Journal of Biology Education, 18(1), (pp. 88–95). https://doi.org/10.59524/2344-9225.v18.n1.22458
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