Use of a simple technique to determine CO2 in first year university Biology courses

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Celia Tognetti


We describe the lab assignment proposed for cellular respiration in the first year General Biology course,  which is part of the Biology career at Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche, Universidad Nacional del  Comahue. Students must formulate a question related to the respiratory activity of different organisms  under diverse environmental conditions. They use a method to determine CO2 in closed systems that has  been adapted by the teaching staff, and follow the steps of the scientific method to answer their question.  This is an integrative and interdisciplinary activity that favors active participation of students in the  teaching-learning process.


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How to Cite
Tognetti, C. (2009). Use of a simple technique to determine CO2 in first year university Biology courses. Journal of Biology Education, 12(1), (pp. 28–31).
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