Review of Death told by a Sapiens to a Neandertal

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Rodolfo Viveros Contreras


The book Death Told from a Sapiens to a Neanderthal introduces us to the topic of death, from the perspective of natural selection, various theses are presented on how sex, life, aging occur in different species of the animal world and vegetable. Through dialogues between the authors with a peculiar wit and captivating humor, the narrative is woven between the scientific explanation of biological evolution and the implications for the death of living beings, without overlooking reflections on the meaning of life. The book's approach can be relevant for teaching and disseminating evolution and natural selection as key processes to understand the life and death.

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How to Cite
Viveros Contreras, R. (2024). Review of Death told by a Sapiens to a Neandertal. Journal of Biology Education, 27(2).
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How to Cite

Viveros Contreras, R. (2024). Review of Death told by a Sapiens to a Neandertal. Journal of Biology Education, 27(2).


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