Shifts in Interest towards Epidemics, Health, and Science among Youth in Public Schools of Hurlingham after the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Paula Bergero
Diego González
Manuel Benítez
Diego Petrucci


In this study, we compare the level of interest among young individuals attending public schools in the Municipality of Hurlingham (Buenos Aires) regarding aspects related to diseases and epidemics, health, perceptions about science, technology, and scientists. Data were collected in 2019 and 2022 using the questionnaire from the ROSE Project. The comparison reveals a decline in overall interest in learning, particularly pronounced in learning about epidemics and highly fatal diseases, biological and chemical weapons, and the use of genetic engineering to control diseases. More stability was observed in opinions about science and technology. Regarding gender comparison, fewer variations in responses were observed among women.

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How to Cite
Bergero, P., González, D., Benítez, M., & Petrucci, D. (2024). Shifts in Interest towards Epidemics, Health, and Science among Youth in Public Schools of Hurlingham after the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Biology Education, 27(2).

How to Cite

Bergero, P., González, D., Benítez, M., & Petrucci, D. (2024). Shifts in Interest towards Epidemics, Health, and Science among Youth in Public Schools of Hurlingham after the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Biology Education, 27(2).


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