Time as a Pedagogical Resource in the Teaching of Natural Sciences at the Primary Education Level: Progressivity, Continuity and Spiralization in the Teaching of Natural Sciences

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Laura Granda
Federico Nahuel Bernabé


In this article, we will defend two central ideas. First, that the pedagogical orientation emanating from the Educational Design of Primary Education corresponds epistemologically with the perspective of content spiralization, with special emphasis on the notions of progressivity and continuity of content. Secondly, we will argue in favor of a priority consideration of school time as a pedagogical resource in the framework of spiralized teaching. In this sense, we will discuss the need to discuss the weekly time allotted to the area of natural sciences.

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How to Cite
Granda, L., & Bernabé, F. N. (2024). Time as a Pedagogical Resource in the Teaching of Natural Sciences at the Primary Education Level: Progressivity, Continuity and Spiralization in the Teaching of Natural Sciences. Journal of Biology Education, 27(1). https://doi.org/10.59524/2344-9225.v27.n1.41839

How to Cite

Granda, L., & Bernabé, F. N. (2024). Time as a Pedagogical Resource in the Teaching of Natural Sciences at the Primary Education Level: Progressivity, Continuity and Spiralization in the Teaching of Natural Sciences. Journal of Biology Education, 27(1). https://doi.org/10.59524/2344-9225.v27.n1.41839


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