Key for the identification of lizards from the north of Río Negro

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L. Avila
M. Morando
D. Perez


The following article offers basic information about the faniilies and species of saurians of the region included between the Colorado and Negro rivera. It la described external characteristics for the identification of dic
four families representad in Ibis ares asti it la given as easy key for the recognition of its twelve species.
Titis wock is part of an educative project thai has, as main goal, to study and to Iransfer scientiílc knowledge
about Patagonic flora and fauna to the classroom. In ibis sense, it could contibute to promote dic approaching
of the biological diversity to school.

Article Details

How to Cite
Avila, . L., Morando, M., & Perez, D. (1999). Key for the identification of lizards from the north of Río Negro. Journal of Biology Education, 2(2), 21-26.
Propuestas, innovaciones y desarrollos

How to Cite

Avila, . L., Morando, M., & Perez, D. (1999). Key for the identification of lizards from the north of Río Negro. Journal of Biology Education, 2(2), 21-26.


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