Exploratory study of the status of the teacher member of ADBiA.

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Gallino Mónica
Paz Alicia


The Association of Biology Teachers of Argentina (ADBi.A.) was born in 1993, with the purpose of working to improve the teaching of Biology. From there it had a sustained growth, for
which raised the need to carry out an exploratory study to know the state of the situation, needs and demands of the associated teachers and, in this way, obtain objective information that guides the
future lines of action of ADBiA. In this work -descriptive ethnographic study- the results, conclusions and recommendations are presented, arising from the inquiry made to the affiliates regarding:
personal and family circumstances, socio-labor status, basic academic situation, situation in teaching, updating and improvement, and research and innovation activities.

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How to Cite
Mónica, G., & Alicia, P. (1999). Exploratory study of the status of the teacher member of ADBiA. Journal of Biology Education, 2(2), 4-12. https://doi.org/10.59524/2344-9225.v2.n2.40571

How to Cite

Mónica, G., & Alicia, P. (1999). Exploratory study of the status of the teacher member of ADBiA. Journal of Biology Education, 2(2), 4-12. https://doi.org/10.59524/2344-9225.v2.n2.40571


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