The watershed as a didactic resource in environmental education.

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Graciela Raffaini
María del C. Corigliano


Environmental Education (EE) is a cross-cutting theme that allows the incorporation of widespread and established problems in society into formal education. EA enables the integration of conceptual, procedural and attitudinal contents at levels of composition and significance higher than those offered by each discipline separately. The objective of this paper is to discuss a didactic proposal for Environmental Education, within the framework of the curricular reform of the Federal Education Law. The curricular structure is based, as a didactic resource, on the environmental unit formed by the river and its watershed. The curriculum structure is based, as a didactic resource, on the environmental unit formed by the river and its watershed. The modules produced were the basis for the development of a training course for primary and secondary school teachers. The didactic proposals of the participants showed the feasibility of transposing, with conceptual and methodological rigor and through a systemic approach appropriate to the cognitive level of the students, a hypercomplex reality. Difficulties were the material resources for its implementation, especially chemical laboratories and microscopes. Possible solutions were proposed.

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How to Cite
Raffaini, G., & Corigliano, M. del C. (1998). The watershed as a didactic resource in environmental education. Journal of Biology Education, 1(2), 32-36.
Propuestas, innovaciones y desarrollos

How to Cite

Raffaini, G., & Corigliano, M. del C. (1998). The watershed as a didactic resource in environmental education. Journal of Biology Education, 1(2), 32-36.

