A proposal for biology teaching: a training program for public school teachers.

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A. Demonte
E.A.L. Gattás


Brazilian secondary education is in a critical situation, out of step with the industrial development and technological modernization that the country is undergoing. The lack of working conditions, the lack of courses in schools, the lack of recognition and encouragement for the work of teaching mean that the teacher is far from being an updated professional, and that the student is a bored learner in the instructional processes. In this context, this program (among other objectives) seeks to update the teacher in the content of the Biology program, giving him/her practical instruments to motivate the understanding of concepts in an integrated and compatible way with the reality and intellectual level of the student.

Article Details

How to Cite
Demonte, A., & Gattás, E. (2001). A proposal for biology teaching: a training program for public school teachers. Journal of Biology Education, 4(1), 30-33. https://doi.org/10.59524/2344-9225.v4.n1.40264
Propuestas, innovaciones y desarrollos

How to Cite

Demonte, A., & Gattás, E. (2001). A proposal for biology teaching: a training program for public school teachers. Journal of Biology Education, 4(1), 30-33. https://doi.org/10.59524/2344-9225.v4.n1.40264

