Research methodological proposal for the development of the subject "Comparative Anatomy" in the Biological Sciences degree program

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A. Steinmann
C. Provensal
J. Priotto
J. Polop


The investigative methodological proposal implies the posing of conceptual theoretical problems whose solution stimulates the student to assume a real leading role as a true actor in the process of science in the practice of comparative anatomy, thus building his knowledge. This methodology leads the student to contrast his previous ideas with the new acquired knowledge, thus generating conflicts, which he overcomes when he manages to build new conceptions. On the other hand, the implementation of this methodology entails a greater commitment from the teacher, tending to a creative attitude and exchange. In this role, the teacher continually renews the proposed problem situations based on previous experiences, presents different theories and/or alternative hypotheses in which the problems to be investigated can be framed, generates and moderates discussions, evaluates a process and not only final results.

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Propuestas, innovaciones y desarrollos

How to Cite

Steinmann, A., Provensal, C., Priotto, J., & Polop, J. (2023). Research methodological proposal for the development of the subject "Comparative Anatomy" in the Biological Sciences degree program. Journal of Biology Education, 4(1), 25-29.

