An Environmental Education Program. Experiences in the training of teachers in the public network of elementary and secondary education.

Main Article Content

Silvia Ap. Martins dos Santos
Paulo Henrique Peira Ruffino


The objective of the program presented is to train teachers and develop practices related to environmental issues in the school units involved, thus initiating a process of changing values and attitudes in order to improve the quality of teaching. The fundamentals, principles and practices used by the program and the experiences carried out between 1995 and 1999 are presented.

Article Details

How to Cite
An Environmental Education Program. Experiences in the training of teachers in the public network of elementary and secondary education. (2023). Journal of Biology Education, 4(2), 33-39.
Propuestas, innovaciones y desarrollos

How to Cite

An Environmental Education Program. Experiences in the training of teachers in the public network of elementary and secondary education. (2023). Journal of Biology Education, 4(2), 33-39.

