Biology texts and explanations of the biological world

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Anibal Bar


The aim of this paper is to investigate the models of scientific explanation that are reproduced in biology textbooks at the intermediate level, as well as the models that these textbooks transmit about living beings and their manifestations. Eleven texts are analyzed for the concept of tropism: 9 for absorption, transposition and transpiration; and 8 for photosynthesis. Each of the explanations is classified into causal, functional and functional causal, according to the type of links between variables. Each type of explanation is related to the types of concepts involved and the target student population. The methodological and epistemological implications of the analyzed concepts are discussed from different perspectives, including reference to mechanistic, processual and teleonomic models.

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How to Cite
Bar, A. (2023). Biology texts and explanations of the biological world. Journal of Biology Education, 5(1), 8-19.

How to Cite

Bar, A. (2023). Biology texts and explanations of the biological world. Journal of Biology Education, 5(1), 8-19.

