A Review of #Smartsex. Manual of Sexuality for Adolescents: A Useful Resource for Sex Education

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José Venegas Inostroza


The book #Smartsex is a useful educational resource that is intended as a sexuality manual for adolescents. This book includes the answers to the biggest and most important questions that Dr. Andrea Huneeus receives in her medical practice as a gynecologist and on her Instagram, on the main issues related to sexuality and sex education. This review aims to present this book, its purposes, contents and a brief analysis of the main strengths and weaknesses that it may have for self-taught learning of sexual education in Chile and Latin America.

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How to Cite
Venegas Inostroza, J. (2023). A Review of #Smartsex. Manual of Sexuality for Adolescents: A Useful Resource for Sex Education. Journal of Biology Education, 26(1), 110-117. https://doi.org/10.59524/2344-9225.v26.n1.38745
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How to Cite

Venegas Inostroza, J. (2023). A Review of #Smartsex. Manual of Sexuality for Adolescents: A Useful Resource for Sex Education. Journal of Biology Education, 26(1), 110-117. https://doi.org/10.59524/2344-9225.v26.n1.38745


UNESCO (2016). Educación 2030: Declaración de Incheon y Marco de Acción para la realización del Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 4: Garantizar una educación inclusiva y equitativa de calidad y promover oportunidades de aprendizaje permanente para todos. UNESCO. Recuperado de: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000245656_spa.locale=es

UNESCO (2021). El camino hacia la educación sexual integral en sexualidad: Informe sobre la situación en el mundo. UNESCO. Recuperado de: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000377963_spa.locale=es