Analysis between the way scientific information is processed and reading comprehension and reading comprehension, at the higher education level Analysis between the way scientific information is processed and reading comprehension

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Miriam Carranza
Julio Herrera
Gabriela Celaya
Fernando Carezzano


The qualified   studcnts have  cognilive and  metacognitives abilities  10 comprenhend the  information on scientific texts.  Aftewards,  they will  be  able  of reaching their  learnings.  Tbe  aim  of tbis srudy was  10 evaluare  on superior educarion  srudents capacities about  fonn  10  information  processing. lt was carried out a siudy by quantitative and qualitative methodology about  form to explore  and operate with textbooks and the information  that they find in them.  This allowed  is to valué  the most frequent  difficulties on handling of texts and in comprenhesion reading, in a stage of curricular itinerary. Resulis  showed  a heterogencous group,  fonned by few qualifies students with, other  in this way and fewer inexperts.

Article Details

How to Cite
Analysis between the way scientific information is processed and reading comprehension and reading comprehension, at the higher education level Analysis between the way scientific information is processed and reading comprehension. (2004). Journal of Biology Education, 7(2), 23-32.
Propuestas, innovaciones y desarrollos

How to Cite

Analysis between the way scientific information is processed and reading comprehension and reading comprehension, at the higher education level Analysis between the way scientific information is processed and reading comprehension. (2004). Journal of Biology Education, 7(2), 23-32.

