The native forest reserve "El Espinal". Its use for the teaching of the regional flora

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Antonia Oggero
Norma Vischi


The nature reserve Bosque Autóctono "El Espinal" was created in the University of Río Cuarto-UNRC- to promote the knowledge and the importance of our flora. It is a small area of land which represents the original landscape of the region. Exotic and native and plants that live in this area are useful to a wide variety of animals.

We tried to promote the knowledge and the importance of our flora. The activities we suggested were arranged bearing in mind the students´ interests as well the teachers´.

The visitors make public the knowledge on nature and its preservation. This nature reserve helps teachers to prepare educational in their class to be with students in each school.


Article Details

How to Cite
Oggero, A., & Vischi, N. (2005). The native forest reserve "El Espinal". Its use for the teaching of the regional flora. Journal of Biology Education, 8(2), 40-42.
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How to Cite

Oggero, A., & Vischi, N. (2005). The native forest reserve "El Espinal". Its use for the teaching of the regional flora. Journal of Biology Education, 8(2), 40-42.

