Study of the Putting in Classroom of a Didactic Proposal that Includes Simulations for the Elaboration of Explanations about Protein Synthesis in Secondary Education

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Franco David Paroli


This work is part of the thesis project carried out within the framework of the Master in Teaching of Experimental Sciences at the Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires and constitutes an update of the work presented at the CONGRIDEC 2019 School “Dialogue between Latin American Researchers in Training in Didactics of Natural Sciences and Technology”. The objective of the same is to design a didactic proposal that includes a simulation of protein synthesis and to study its implementation in the classroom with students of Secondary Education. To carry it out, a qualitative, descriptive study will be designed and the case study will be adopted as the methodology.

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How to Cite
Study of the Putting in Classroom of a Didactic Proposal that Includes Simulations for the Elaboration of Explanations about Protein Synthesis in Secondary Education. (2020). Journal of Biology Education, 23(1), 105-113.

How to Cite

Study of the Putting in Classroom of a Didactic Proposal that Includes Simulations for the Elaboration of Explanations about Protein Synthesis in Secondary Education. (2020). Journal of Biology Education, 23(1), 105-113.


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