Conceptions on the pedagogical performance of teachers-researchers in the area of genetics

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Alba Mabel Güerci
Claudia Alejandra Grillo
María del Carmen Malbrán


This work tries to explore the importance that a group of college professors in Genetics attributes to the cognitive and didactic abilities in the educational process. The mean of exploration consisted of five statements that the inquired rank as for their contribution to the pedagogical ability. Twenty three educators were enquired all of them belonging to two academic units of the National University of La Plata (UNLP). The analysis of the data allowed demonstrating that most of the teachers prioritize the knowledge of their discipline in relation to the pedagogical abilities, emphasizing their distinctive academic profile. Of the two abilities taken into account, clary in oral communicate occupies the first place followed by the empathy and the disposition for the change and innovation.

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How to Cite
Güerci, A. M. ., Grillo, C. A. ., & Malbrán, M. del C. . (2006). Conceptions on the pedagogical performance of teachers-researchers in the area of genetics. Journal of Biology Education, 9(2), 36-41.
Propuestas, innovaciones y desarrollos

How to Cite

Güerci, A. M. ., Grillo, C. A. ., & Malbrán, M. del C. . (2006). Conceptions on the pedagogical performance of teachers-researchers in the area of genetics. Journal of Biology Education, 9(2), 36-41.

