A look at the flora of Cerrado. Photography as an environmental education perspective for elementary school

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Delzimar Prates Alves
Jeane Cristina Gomes Rotta


We believe that the pedagogical use of the photography can contribute to the teaching of Science that allows student reflection and action for the conservation of the environment. In this sense, three didactic sequences were carried out that promoted the discussion, the reflection and the learning of scientific concepts, more specifically about the Cerrado’s flora. Sixth grade students of elementary school participated in this sequence, and a methodological resource was used that analyzes how teachers guide the interactions that result in the production of meanings in science classrooms. At the end of the experience, it was possible
to notice students’ appropriation of concepts, using photography, which allowed them to know the most typical flora species in their environment and the importance of their conservation.

Article Details

How to Cite
A look at the flora of Cerrado. Photography as an environmental education perspective for elementary school. (2019). Journal of Biology Education, 22(1), 69-82. https://doi.org/10.59524/2344-9225.v22.n1.25698
Experiencias Educativas

How to Cite

A look at the flora of Cerrado. Photography as an environmental education perspective for elementary school. (2019). Journal of Biology Education, 22(1), 69-82. https://doi.org/10.59524/2344-9225.v22.n1.25698