Activation of Background Knowledge, Water Conservation and Biodiversity from School

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Liliana Argüello
Silvia Caminos
Fernanda Paván


A training-action experience is presented from the perspective of environmental education and the complexity, developed with teachers and students fromsecondary and university levels. Projective techniques, surveys and environmental games were used to activate the educational group’s background knowledge with regard to forests and family practices of collection and use of water. Individual and collective mental maps allowed to locate the environmental heritage and createmaps of the town and the regionwhich were synthesized in brochures and primers. These served as the basis for designing and implementing environmental interpretation trails that value important natural and cultural sites for heritage conservation.

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How to Cite
Argüello, L., Caminos, S., & Paván, F. (2019). Activation of Background Knowledge, Water Conservation and Biodiversity from School. Journal of Biology Education, 21(2), 50-61.
Experiencias Educativas

How to Cite

Argüello, L., Caminos, S., & Paván, F. (2019). Activation of Background Knowledge, Water Conservation and Biodiversity from School. Journal of Biology Education, 21(2), 50-61.


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