Las abejas: un proyecto didáctico para educación primaria

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María Puy Zugasti
María Teresa Fernández-Galiano


In this article we present a didactic Project intended for the second level of the Primary Education (from 8 to 10 years old). The aim of this project is that the students, who work in an active and cooperative way, begin to know more about the bees and about the important role they have in Nature. This project was prompted by the recent news in the mass media about the alarming decrease in the number of these insects and their related consequences.

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How to Cite
Las abejas: un proyecto didáctico para educación primaria. (2019). Journal of Biology Education, 10(2), 36-41.
Propuestas, innovaciones y desarrollos

How to Cite

Las abejas: un proyecto didáctico para educación primaria. (2019). Journal of Biology Education, 10(2), 36-41.