Propuesta para el desarrollo de un curso de posgrado con modalidad a distancia y presencial

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Adriana Beatriz Actis
Beatriz Castillo
Mirta Ana Valentich


This work presents an innovative pedagogical modality for giving a postgraduate course on "Experimental models for the study of tumorigenesis" at a remote centre of the University, to which the lecturers belong. The objectives of the theoretical-practical course were to get into the knowledge of the tumorigenesis process and to analyze different experimental models for this study in several organs. This course was divided into two stages; a distance learning course called "Introduction", and an on-site course called "Development". The “Introduction” stage allowed to level, in the heterogeneous group of students, the necessary knowledge about tumorigenesis for the “Development” stage, which obtained successful results.

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How to Cite
Actis, A. B., Castillo, B., & Valentich, M. A. (2019). Propuesta para el desarrollo de un curso de posgrado con modalidad a distancia y presencial. Journal of Biology Education, 10(2), 22-26.
Propuestas, innovaciones y desarrollos

How to Cite

Actis, A. B., Castillo, B., & Valentich, M. A. (2019). Propuesta para el desarrollo de un curso de posgrado con modalidad a distancia y presencial. Journal of Biology Education, 10(2), 22-26.