Genetically modified organisms (GMO) – Needs and perspectives

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Nicolás Jouve de la Barreda


In this article the reality is presented on the technology of the "transgenesis" that in spite of their novel appearance is not more than an extension of traditional genetic improvement restricted to the transference of a single gene (or DNA sequence). The newness is the jump over the barrier of genetic interchange of the “transgene” between the donor species and the receiving one, which is made by means of techniques of molecular Biology when not being able to be made by natural reproduction. The important applications of GMO in bacteria, animals and plants are standing out. The methods are described briefly. The enormous benefits of these organisms in the slopes of the feeding, environmental and health and the convenience of their use are weighed as it demonstrates in incessant increase of their use and production world-wide scale in the countries developed in last years.

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How to Cite
Genetically modified organisms (GMO) – Needs and perspectives. (2009). Journal of Biology Education, 11(2), 31-38.
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How to Cite

Genetically modified organisms (GMO) – Needs and perspectives. (2009). Journal of Biology Education, 11(2), 31-38.