Science Teaching in Natural Contexts: An Experience at a Public Elementary School

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Adriana Marisa Cañellas
Graciela Mabel Maldonado Galdeano


This paper presents a teaching proposal consisting in five lessons developed in third grade of an elementary school. The following objectives were set: To provide students with a variety of tools to communicate the knowledge built on the vegetation diversity in the area, using language from Natural Sciences and Statistics; To analyze the impact on the way in which students relate to the objects of knowledge in a natural and research context; To analyze the advantages of using various sources of reliable information. The results highlight the importance of showing scientific concepts from different representations and by interacting with nature. The diverse sources of access to knowledge contribute to the formation of a scientific spirit in our students.

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How to Cite
Cañellas, A. M., & Maldonado Galdeano, G. M. (2018). Science Teaching in Natural Contexts: An Experience at a Public Elementary School. Journal of Biology Education, 21(1), 49-61.
Experiencias Educativas

How to Cite

Cañellas, A. M., & Maldonado Galdeano, G. M. (2018). Science Teaching in Natural Contexts: An Experience at a Public Elementary School. Journal of Biology Education, 21(1), 49-61.


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