Integral Sexual Education in Textbooks Published in Argentina in the 2002-2011 Period

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Natalia Celina Fernández


In this thesis, we characterized integral sexual education in secondary school and the way in which it is approached in Natural Science textbooks before and after the enactment of Integral Sexual Education Act No. 26150. A qualitative methodological design with analysis of contents was used. Eight textbooks of a public secondary school were taken as samples, and the way in which ISE contents were approached was studied. It could be observed that the books published before the ISE Act was sanctioned do not offer this approach in their proposals, whereas those published afterwards begin to incorporate it earlier and gradually, being a single book the one in which the topic is developed.

Article Details

How to Cite
Fernández, N. C. (2017). Integral Sexual Education in Textbooks Published in Argentina in the 2002-2011 Period. Journal of Biology Education, 20(2), (pp. 100-104).
Author Biography

Natalia Celina Fernández

En la presente tesis se caracterizó la Educación Sexual Integral en la escuela secundaria y su abordaje en los libros de texto de Ciencias Naturales, antes y después de la sanción de la Ley N° 26150 de Educación Sexual Integral. Se utilizó un diseño metodológico cualitativo con análisis de contenido. Se tomaron como muestra ocho libros de texto de educación secundaria de una escuela pública y se estudió el abordaje de los contenidos concernientes a la ESI. Se pudo evidenciar que los libros publicados con anterioridad a la sanción de la Ley ESI no ofrecen este enfoque en sus propuestas, mientras que aquellos publicados con posterioridad comienzan a incorporarlo de manera incipiente y paulatina, siendo un único libro el que desarrolló el tema.

How to Cite

Fernández, N. C. (2017). Integral Sexual Education in Textbooks Published in Argentina in the 2002-2011 Period. Journal of Biology Education, 20(2), (pp. 100-104).