The Need to Teach Persuasive Arguments in Biostatistics Courses

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Jose Renato De Nóbrega Suárez


Teaching competences to present persuasive arguments about a phenomenon basedon quantitative evidence, have been a neglected aspect in Biostatistics undergraduatecourses. This oversight is due in part from the rigid application of statistical significancetesting. Major criticism of the use and application of this statistical technique is presented inthis article. A proposal to promote these competences is developed: expose the limitationsand misinterpretations of such testing and diffuse alternative approaches in statisticalanalysis.

Article Details

How to Cite
De Nóbrega Suárez, J. R. (2015). The Need to Teach Persuasive Arguments in Biostatistics Courses. Journal of Biology Education, 18(2), (pp. 59-66).
Investigaciones y desarrollos
Author Biography

Jose Renato De Nóbrega Suárez, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Profesor Asociado Dedicación ExclusivaEscuela de Biologia, Departamento de EcologiaUniversidad Central de Venezuela

How to Cite

De Nóbrega Suárez, J. R. (2015). The Need to Teach Persuasive Arguments in Biostatistics Courses. Journal of Biology Education, 18(2), (pp. 59-66).