Discrepancy among Levels of Understanding within a Population of Teacher Training Students

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Nazira Píriz Giménez
María Noel López Larrama


Teaching for Understanding defines four growing levels of understanding: 1) ingenuous; 2) beginner; 3) apprentice; 4) master. In order to identify the levels that cause more obstacles to the students, we have decided to evaluate their degree of performance at each level, using comprehension activities based on problem situations. We analyzed 148 problem situation answers solved by 80 students in Biological Sciences faculty. The results showed that the achievement of high levels of understanding does not necessarily correspond with their success at inferior levels. A possible explanation to this discrepancy may lie in the difficulties to produce texts. Thus, stimulation may result in successful understanding performance at all levels.

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How to Cite
Giménez, N. P., & López Larrama, M. N. (2015). Discrepancy among Levels of Understanding within a Population of Teacher Training Students. Journal of Biology Education, 18(1), (pp. 18-26). https://doi.org/10.59524/2344-9225.v18.n1.22452
Investigaciones y desarrollos

How to Cite

Giménez, N. P., & López Larrama, M. N. (2015). Discrepancy among Levels of Understanding within a Population of Teacher Training Students. Journal of Biology Education, 18(1), (pp. 18-26). https://doi.org/10.59524/2344-9225.v18.n1.22452