Formative experiences in metascientific ideas in the context of Biology Teaching Training. Interview with a scientist

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Eduardo Lozano
Victoria Zanón


As part of the first-year Biology Teaching Training course subject “Scientific Thinking and Scientific Activity”, we develop an activity that gets students involved in the design, implementation and subsequent analysis of an interview to a Biology scientist. This task is part of an activity plan for providing training in metascientific ideas that are relevant for the science teaching that is developed in the subject, and enables to approach to concept of scientific activity, its development contexts and the axiological issues involved. Students´ productions explain changes in their science representations when they start attending classes, and which will be significant for their future natural science teaching training.

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How to Cite
Formative experiences in metascientific ideas in the context of Biology Teaching Training. Interview with a scientist. (2014). Journal of Biology Education, 17(2), (pp. 95-100).
Experiencias Educativas

How to Cite

Formative experiences in metascientific ideas in the context of Biology Teaching Training. Interview with a scientist. (2014). Journal of Biology Education, 17(2), (pp. 95-100).